Sunday, March 22, 2009

Disco Girls

The girls’ school organised a Disco as part of a fund raising programme.  They had to dress up as a diva or as their favourite character – our girls just wanted to be beautiful.

We had quite a packed day as we were hunting for cars during the day and ended up racing home with only a few minutes to get ready and leave for the school.

Fortunately, they had already decided the previous night what clothes they wanted to wear and so all that was needed was a dash of make-up and they were true princesses.

Disco Girls 001 (1024x683)Disco Girls 020 (1024x683)Disco Girls 008 (1024x683) Disco Girls 011 (1024x683) Disco Girls 019 (1024x683)Disco Girls 025 (1024x683)

The party was great.  They had a DJ lined up and the Year 1&2’s danced from 4.00 – 5.30 and then the rest of the school danced from 6.  Amber, after just having seen Riverdance, was showing off her tapping and “happy feet” dance moves and they both came home quite worn out.

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