Sunday, July 18, 2010

A boot-nic in the park-ing lot

It's one of those rare days I'm glad it's cloudy. It's been hot as the proverbial hades the last while and rain has been hard to come by.
After a few days of respite, and thankfully some rain, we are enjoying a day out by our great river, the Thames.
Bugz is doing a 20k in prep for a marathon in October and the kids and I are soaking up some less strenuous activity, Amber on skates being towed by Saz on her bike.
Lunch is in the boot of the car partly driven by a ravenous Sarah and partly by expedience - the full picnic layout just doesn't mix well with mobile kids.

A sinful tri-dog bun (complete with bird) followed by oodles of more righteous fruit.

I shall enjoy the coolth of the weeping willow I'm currently perched under for a bit more and then re-engage hyper-mode with kids.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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