Friday, August 13, 2010

A Wooded (and Botha'd) Glasgow.

Driving long distances can be a drag...

The 9 hours to Glasgow went by completely drag-free however, thanks to two very well behaved babies and the sublime company of Steve and the divine Miss M.

The scenery outside the car didn't have to work as hard as it would ordinarily have, due to the good conversation inside the car.

So here we are, about to take in the Pipe Band World Championships tomorrow, my second one, first in 23 years and first as a spectator... I can't wait! As we rolled into the hotel parking, there were 2 bands practicing for the big day tomorrow - just beautiful.

As we raise a cold one over here...

Slangivar! To you all wherever you are, more than likely we wish you were here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A boot-nic in the park-ing lot

It's one of those rare days I'm glad it's cloudy. It's been hot as the proverbial hades the last while and rain has been hard to come by.
After a few days of respite, and thankfully some rain, we are enjoying a day out by our great river, the Thames.
Bugz is doing a 20k in prep for a marathon in October and the kids and I are soaking up some less strenuous activity, Amber on skates being towed by Saz on her bike.
Lunch is in the boot of the car partly driven by a ravenous Sarah and partly by expedience - the full picnic layout just doesn't mix well with mobile kids.

A sinful tri-dog bun (complete with bird) followed by oodles of more righteous fruit.

I shall enjoy the coolth of the weeping willow I'm currently perched under for a bit more and then re-engage hyper-mode with kids.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Windsor Castle Royal Tattoo

Just got back from the Windsor Castle Royal Tattoo. Man it's been a long time! Reminds me of the bad ol' days.

Kids liked it too, poor things were so tired... School tomorrow is going to be sluggish methinks, even the big people are a bit bushed.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Q

Luvly braai being had, new baby Q in action, would love to add some family and friends!

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer's Day in Spring

After a decidedly chilly week, Summer just exploded in Reading this week-end.

Today called for a picnic outside and makeshift umbrellas:
The girls on the trampoline:



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shpring trying to take hold

Against the tide of an undecided mother nature, spring is finally coming out. Brilliant to see and hear dozens of bird species in the woods just beyond our fence. We've been feeding the local squirrel families, and there are often 3 or 4 in sight at a time.

At the park with the girls at the moment and it looks glorious.

Location:Worrall Way,Earley,United Kingdom

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inside casa del Wood right now.

Dinner is being served to recently showered, swum, arted and schooled squabbling kids. No diningroom table just yet... As you can see.

Smile everyone!

Still to do homework, submit an assignment before 10 tonight and prepare for a meeting between 00:00 and 01:30. High speed snooze an then begin tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Amber’s 8th


For some months now Amber has been counting down the sleeps till her big day. First on the agenda was what to ask for – this took some serious thought, and eventually distilled to a list of Hello Kitty items.

She got the Hello Kitty, doll thing for Christmas and has developed something of a craze about all things HK. The Build-a-Bear workshop in Reading is where the purchase was made, and they have a massive selection of clothes, furniture and accessories. She chose the kitty, stuffed it, chose and gave it a heart.

Since then, she’s spent hours on-line making a list of all the clothes and other HK things that she’d like to add to her collection. So, from all the family all she got was Hello Kitty stuff. Clothes, pyjamas, slippers etc AND a chair!

IMG_8878 Amber wanted us to hide all her presents so that she could have a treasure hunt in the morning.

IMG_8892 Sadly, or maybe, predictably she woke up the entire house at 4:30 in the morning and came through to us very excited. Sarah was NOT amused at being woken at such a horrid hour, rolled over and went back to sleep. Amber was too excited to sleep in her own bed (no we were not going to do presents at 4:30 in the morning) so she spent the next 2 hours or so in our bed as still as you can imagine.

The party at The Mad House was at 12:00 and about a dozen friends from school joined in to wish her a very happy day.

photo1All played out, the girls finished off the party the way all good ones end, with snacks and cake!



IMG_8910 (1280x853) Once home, there was the wearying task of unpacking more presents… no more Hello Kitty dictates here though.


IMG_8918 Happy birthday Amma!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

New (old) Blogs

In our usual fashion, we are blogging April’s holidays in December!

April 4-14:  Ireland Road Trip – Part 1

April 4-14:  Ireland Road Trip – Part 2

June 28:  Day Trip to London

July 4-5: Week-end Trip to Dover and Battle

July 9:  Sarah’s First Missing Tooth

Monday, November 23, 2009

It’s time for house!

“It’s one o’ dem tings what is is dat wakes you up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat wondering how it’s all going to come together…” To parody Eccles and Bluebottle

Nothing new in buying a house, well versed in the concept, but this time it’s a bit more of a thing than dem other things what is…

But let me not get into all that!

So here are some photos…

Below, the playground literally 30 seconds walk from the front door embedded in the “ancient woodland” that borders our new (hopefully) home. The kids can play here and I could call them from the back yard and they’d be able to hear me, well theoretically speaking. Practically, I can stand a metre away from them, speak directly into their eager faces and they don’t / won’t hear me… but anyway, the thought is nice.

The last bit of green grass near home – the approach from the park. Our place is not visible from here, we’re set one house away from the end visible here. Bugz standing in front of our back yard fence – ancient woodland on the left, lovely lovely. Approach from the road – we’re the house behind the Tudor in the centre of the shot, can’t see us from here, but the road is pretty too, don’t you think? IMG_1111

There it is, the one behind the Jeep! Hopefully the tree in front will be a bit more fuzzy when summer rolls around!

1x Hunny in front of 1x new house

  Pathway to afore-mentioned park, play area and ancient woodland…


Lounge, not surprisingly. No more carpets – Hooray!


Standing in the lounge, and looking back towards the back yard, dining room first, then the conservatory where Hayley is standing.

IMG_1124Dining room looking toward lounge 

IMG_1136Much better kitchen – gas n all.


IMG_1140 BedroomIMG_1145 Same oneIMG_1146 Play room – it’s pink enough to qualify, no arguments hereIMG_1147 LandingIMG_1149 IMG_1151 Nuther one bedroom (study perhaps?)IMG_1152 Master bedroomIMG_1154Loft apartment, lounge in front, bedroom behind and en-suite on the rightIMG_1156

And that’s it until all the stars, banks, tax clearances, credit scores, contracts, transfers and the billion other things, including a few ducks line up!