Monday, May 28, 2007

Amber & Sarah's Trip to the Country

For the first time since November 2006, Colin and I had a night out. Now for those of you who know us well, we zealously used to guard our weekly "date night", but since bidding farewell to Gina, we have not been "out on the town", not even once!

Eventually, we were given a "valid excuse" for taking the plunge and asking for someone to babysit as George invited us to attend his daughter's graduation dinner and ceremony, which took place over a Friday night and a saturday. So, on Friday evening, Petra (Our Project Administrator at work) was very kind to oblige and on Saturday, Teacher Hanka took them to visit her parent's home in the country (Bezvěrov). She asked if we would like them to stay with her the night to give us a morning off on Sunday, to which we hesitated only for a moment before proceeding to pack their pj's and toothbrushes.

When the girls came home on Sunday evening, and in fact ever since, they could not tell us enough about all the things that they did, from the fact that "Teacher Hanka's daddy has a big red tracktor with no roof"; about all the horses that they fed; the rooster that jumps on you; the chickens that had just hatched and the egg hunting that they did; and about the mommy and daddy doggies that have puppies.

Amber says: "There are dogs and horses and we were helping them to do their garden and then we blew eggs. She had a rooster and sometimes it hops on you and bites you and sometimes it just hops and doesn't bite. It is a little one but it is a rooster".

Sarah says: "We were going outside and cutting some grass and building up a big tent and we were balancing on a wooden hill. We went back into Teacher Hanka's Parents' house. We went to see the baby horsie and the mommy horsie in the stable and we saw some horses outside with Teacher Hanka. It was starting to rain and it was nearly stormy and we went to look in the cow's house and there was no cows living in the garage."

... they very obviously had the time of their lives! - Thanks Teacher Hanka!

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