Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Fields of Gold

The first time that we saw the yellow fields was while George (my boss) was driving us to the airport for us to catch our Paris flight. I was speechless for the rest of the journey (a whole hour to Prague) as every field was a blaze of yellow - and far more spectacular than any of our SA sunflower fields. With us having been Plzen bound for 3 weeks, during our last trip to Prague the fields were all a very nondescript green with no hint of the glamour that they were about to give the country. Driving back from our Paris trip on the yellow bus, I was adamant to capture a glimpse of the scene on film. So, hence the very blurry, window smudged photos ....

On Sunday, we were privileged to be invited to one of my Czech colleague's home. He has a 2000 m2 plot and has horses that his wife show jumps. After telling him about our 2 horses in the family that occasionally pose as children (only when it suits them), he insisted that we come around for them to visit his horses. We caught the train to a station near him and he picked us up from there. As yet, I had not satisfied my hunger for the photos of the yellow fields, and so was feverishly snapping away from the violently moving train window.

When we arrived at his home, we were welcomed by very excited dogs and his 2 horses in their stables right by the gate - in fact their kitchen window looks right into the stables. It was an incredibly homey scene with his wife in her riding breeches grooming the horses and the hay in piles nearby. They led their horses out of their stables and My God!!! their one horse was HUGE!!! I think he said that he was 18 hands, but Goliath is a better description. The horse paddock was across the road so we all traipsed back out of the gate and across the road and watched as the horses went bazerk playing in the field, bucking and prancing and generally playing very wildly (all the while being chased and nipped by the very over excited terrier). The girls were gobsmacked. It was like watching the movie Spirit up close and very personal.
When I pulled out my camera to start taking some shots, the very large horse saw the shiny silver thing and decided to investigate, coming straight for us, practically bulldozing A&S (who were rather annoyed at his lack of respect for their personal space) - pic of his approach and the less than approving expression of the Saz below :)

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