Sunday, May 13, 2007

Indeed a Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mums out there!

Today was a really great Mothers Day for me too. It started off with being allowed to sleep in late (I didn't even hear the family wake up and they had already been through the entire movie of Open Season before I woke up). I then got showered with home made cards and hugs and kisses.

For the first time in a while I actually felt like going for a run and there was opportunity to match, so I did a leisurely 3ker and boy did it feel great! We then set out for coffee & cake on the square. When we got there, we noticed people at the top of the church steeple and decided that it was a good idea to join the tourists (since we are still tourists ourselves) and climbed the 300+ stairs (more like a rickety wooden stepladder) to the top, being dragged up by the very eager Saz. The view from the top was stunning as we had a crystal-clear day. It always amazes me how small our little town is when you add some perspective to it.

The climb down had Saz a little less enthusiastic and she ended up being piggy-backed down by Colin. Next the hunt for coffee and cake (with some photo opportunities on the side ...)
Saz's good shots - like the one below - are pure chance and all thanks to my very automatic little camera. Most of the pics end up without heads and generally without anything in particular actually. (St. Bartholomew Cathedral behind us)
In the late afternoon we set off to investigate the little forest path we had seen perchance from one of our bus rides the other day. The forest opened up quite quickly into a very large clearing where a family were gathered playing soccer and a whole play ground was just waiting for us. The girls charged off and began to play.

Through the clearing into the forest on the other side, we found some trails that headed back down in the direction of home. The girls obliged me with some "poses" for the camera and then they just let rip, running like hooligans in the forest. Making way too much noise for a peaceful Sunday afternoon.

(Colin trying to find satellites for his GPS navigation - he never goes anywhere without it!)
After we left the forest trail, it was still over a km to get home, so we stopped over at the local "Billa" supermarket for water and chocolates (for energy of course... not to mention that it is a great bargaining tool for tired and near winging babies).

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