We offered Amber the usual choice of dictating what kind of cake she would have, and after some indecision between a fairy, butterfly and a hedgehog, she decided that a heart cake would be nice.
Our usual cake-making routine is a night-before scenario where we are both piecing together fine art on cakes at 2 a.m. trying every shortcut and standards dropping by the minute. This year, a stroke of genius befell us and we offered Amber the chance to decorate her own cake any way she wanted to.
3 packs of (different coloured) chocolate topping, half a pound of sprinkles of various kinds and some arty weaving of patterns later, we had a VERY decorated cake.... and a very chuffed Amber. I think this is what we will do every year from now on.
Sazza, (the Apprentice) got to help - how pleased are we..?
The big day arrived, and with it, the stampede downstairs to discover the Pressies. It must be mentioned here that the last few days have been card-making days. Amber and Sarah have some Israeli friends, Gali and Shir, who share the same birthday week. Gali's (5) being the same day as Amber's and Shir's (2) the next week. So, the girls were given 2 cards each to make and the choice of who to make their cards for - Sarah chose Amber and Shir; and Amber chose Amber and Gali (in that order).
Anyway, I digress, the stampede for pressies...
It has been tradition in the Wood household until now, that both girls get presents on birthdays, but the birthday girl gets the bigger pile. I am not sure for how much longer this tradition will hold...
Amber's stash of pressies (the purple card on the top is from Amber :-)...:
And Sarah's stash:
Amber is now the proud owner of a new watch
Teacher Hanka lent the girls her harmonica probably a year ago, and they have loved it so much that they now both have one of their own.
After pressies, the girls got themselves dressed (spot the trend setting fasionista) and we headed for school.
Today was a big day at the school as we had planned a party for Gali, Shir and Amber, and although it is not the Czech tradition to celebrate birthdays with much ado, they made an exception for us and broke some rules.
This is Gali (say Gaalee), with his sister Shir (Sheer) behind him and his mom, Bell, behind Shir. Gali and Shir are their best playmates at school and they often wish out loud that they could keep Shir. Fortunately Gali speaks English. He arrived at the school a year ago, and could not speak a word of English - he is now pretty much fluent. Shir has been known to answer with her limited vocabulary of "first words" in Czech, Hebrew, and English.
The classroom was especially decorated for the day, with the class helping to make decorations in the days leading up to the party.
Catching up with Bell:
Sarah has no problem fitting in with her friends and is sitting down to read a princess book here with Anichka and Shir:
Some of the kids cuddled up with Teacher Hanka for a story:
The (second) best part of the party - the EATS!
Afterwards, it was time to burn off some of the sugar high with some exercise. Gali's mom does the exercise classes at the school and leads them in a very vigorous bout of exercises around the small classroom.
One minute frogs, next minute Elephants...
Hanka arranged a piñata for the party... Amber, who got the first shot, blindfolded, nearly hit Gali while trying to hit the piñata.
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